Face painting contributed by team. Aug. 9th 2017 5th Annual Event
Giving back to the community. Aug. 14th 2021 9th Annual Event
Winner of laptop raffle. Aug. 14th, 2021 9th Annual Event

Celestine Inc. For Youth and Community is a charitable foundation to help give back to our community and help create those new roll models. Pulling together as a community we can help make life a little simpler for those in need. Our foundation and team help provide items needed for the every day success. With donations and contributions from personal contacts and larger businesses we have been able to gather items including laptops, clothing, personal hygiene items, and food that have been handed out to our community. These items along with other contributions like motivational speakers and face painting have been offered at events hosted and planned by Celestine and her team at Celestine Inc. For Youth and Community.

The second annual event hosted at a library in Columbus Ohio. This event focused on spreading awareness on bullying and how much our community and youth is affected by it. With our guest speakers sharing their experiences and ways they got through it.
Seventh annual event hosted by Celestine Inc. and was located at our local community church. Free food as well as school supplies were handed out, face painting was also offered by our team.
Most recent event hosted last year 2022. Free clothing that people were able to pick from, both baby clothing and adult. Take-out boxes were prepared by our team handed out with drinks.

Every year we have received more than the year before being able to help and reach out to more of the community. A laptop raffle has been part of our event as well to try to help those currently in school/college. Our goal is to continue to reach out and find those who want to help create a better future for our youth.

Celestine along with youth enjoying their face paint. Aug. 9, 2017 5th Annual Event
Winner of laptop raffle. Sept. 21st, 2016 3rd Annual Event.
Community fire department contributed their time to educate the youth about fire safety. Aug. 27th 2019 7th Annual Event.
Winner of the laptop raffle. Aug. 5th 2018 6th Annual Event.